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Born and brought up here in Nagoya, Japan. Style is 100% Nagoyan. Singing all over the city. Recent works are widespread and includes Photograph for exhibitions and hold events with other performers who express their amazing art.

Love to exchange artists' creative mind or technical information and skill. Why don't we have a fun for spending Nagoyan time. Watch out next information and enjoy coming news!

Happy new enjoyable 2018. Let's try hard what you pursuing but take a break sometimes. Take a trip or long walk for refresh. Do you have any recommendations?

Have some fun for new days!

I heard slogan "No Life, No Music". I agree with it. The world is full of songs. Do you have personal theme song - a song you identify with that gives you encouragement when you need it? I have one. It is a theme song of my life. Its name is "Kisei - Never Forget". "Kesei" in English is "returning to your home town.

It's about a young men and his best friend who have the same dream of moving to Tokyo from the country side to start their careers. Although they worked at different companies, they were happy because they believed it was first step to their dream coming true.

At first, they contacted each other frequency but over time, it was less and less because of they were busy. A few months later, he heard the sad news that his best friend had killed himself. He was confused and depressed and couldn't figure out why he did. In the end, his friend's dream didn't come true.

This song is sung by Akina Nakamori. The lyrics were changed to a love story between a man and a woman. However, main point is to never forget your best friend and to never forget the dream because sharing dream with your best friend is one of the way to make it come true. In these lyrics, the writer uses "Snow" as metaphor from a bright future.

There is a single version and an album version. The album is called "SPOON". She expressed her emotion differently. I prefer the single version. If you have a chance, why don't you listen to?.

Includes Naoki Ishigaki Charity Office

We would like to express our heartfelt sympathy to those who suffered damage of The Great Tohoku-Kanto Earthquake and the Kumamoto Earthquake.

We launched "Kokoro for JAPAN" Project. YouTube Channel


"こころ for JAPAN" Project
There will be some Japanese events organized by Japanese and the language is Japanese. Also, some English events will be organized by English speakers. We would like to use the Japanese teaching career and musician network and to provide guidance in various languages.

This project has two meanings; one is for assisting those people who suffered damage.
The other is to give guidance in many languages what we should prepare before a major Tokai earthquake and what we should or can do after that.

We are looking for volunteers to visit Kumamoto with us. We visit there to interview people who have earthquake experience. Transportaion and accommodation fee will cover by us. For more details, plese apply with this form and come to explanatory meeting.

We are also looking for non-Japanese volunteer interviewees in Tohoku and Kyushu. If you have an interest, please let us know.



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